10 Ways to Stay Connected and Empowered During a Crisis

In times of crisis, whether it’s a natural disaster like a hurricane, personal challenges, or global uncertainty, staying connected and empowered can feel like a difficult task. It’s easy to feel isolated, anxious, or overwhelmed when the world seems to be shifting around you. But as women, we’ve always had the ability to rise above adversity, to find strength in our shared experiences, and to support each other through every storm—literal or metaphorical.

At TechMae, our goal is to create a safe space where women from around the world can come together, share their experiences, and uplift one another. We’ve built our app to help women stay connected and empowered during times like these, and we believe that community is one of the most powerful tools we have.


Here are 10 ways you can stay connected and empowered during a crisis—because no matter what happens, you don’t have to go through it alone.

  1. Lean on Your Community

During a crisis, the people around you—whether they’re physically near or just a message away—are your greatest support system. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or scared, reach out. Whether it’s calling a friend or hopping on the TechMae app to share your thoughts, know that you don’t have to keep your worries to yourself. When we come together as women, we remind each other of our collective strength.

  1. Share Your Story

There’s something incredibly healing about sharing your personal story, especially when times are tough. If you’re experiencing a crisis, writing about it, recording a voice memo, or even doing a quick video diary on the TechMae app can help you process your emotions. Plus, your story might inspire and uplift someone else going through a similar challenge.

  1. Stay Informed Without Overloading Yourself

While it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest information during a crisis, too much information can lead to anxiety and burnout. Set limits on how often you check the news and opt for reliable sources. Find balance by using those moments in between updates to connect with others, find positive stories, or engage in uplifting conversations on platforms like TechMae.

  1. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care

When the world feels chaotic, it’s more important than ever to carve out time for self-care. Even if it’s just 10 minutes of deep breathing or journaling, those small moments can help you regain a sense of control. Remember to take care of your mental and emotional health, and if you need a reminder, the women in the TechMae community are always here to lift you up and remind you to take that moment for yourself.

  1. Celebrate the Small Wins

In challenging times, it’s easy to focus on everything that’s going wrong. But don’t forget to celebrate the small wins! Did you manage to stay calm in a moment of panic? That’s a win. Did you reach out to a loved one and share how you’re feeling? That’s a win too. Use TechMae as a place to share these small victories with other women who can cheer you on, no matter how small they may seem.

  1. Create a Virtual Support System

Maybe you can’t be with your loved ones physically, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create a strong virtual support system. Set up virtual check-ins, video calls, or group chats where you can offer and receive support. On the TechMae app, you can join our TeCHmAE Connections group to meet new women, stay in touch with old friends, and find a sense of community, no matter where you are in the world.

  1. Empower Others by Offering Support

Sometimes, empowering others can be a powerful way to feel empowered yourself. If you have the ability to offer a helping hand, whether it’s sending words of encouragement, providing useful resources, or checking in on someone who’s struggling, do it. You never know how much a simple message can mean to someone during a tough time.

  1. Get Creative to Relieve Stress

One of the best ways to stay connected to yourself and others during a crisis is to get creative. Whether it’s writing, painting, singing, or even cooking, creative expression can be an incredible outlet for releasing pent-up emotions. And guess what? You can share your creative work with the TechMae community! Maybe your poem, artwork, or song will inspire another woman to tap into her creative energy as well.

  1. Remember You’re Never Truly Alone

Crises can make us feel isolated, but it’s important to remember that we’re all in this together. TechMae was created as a global platform where women can come together, no matter where they are in the world. Our mission is to ensure that every woman has a space to share her voice, her story, and her world. Use the app to connect with women going through similar experiences, and remind yourself that you’re part of something bigger.

engagement challenge
  1. Join the TechMae Movement

At TechMae, we believe that community is the key to empowerment, especially in times of crisis. By joining our app, you’re stepping into a space that’s all about lifting each other up, sharing our worlds, and building a global network of women who are stronger together. Whether you’re facing a hurricane, a personal crisis, or just need a place to talk, we’ve got your back.

Stay connected. Stay empowered. And most importantly, remember that your voice matters. Download the TechMae app today, post your story, and let’s build a global space where women uplift each other no matter what storms come our way. Because when we rise together, nothing can hold us back.

Have you joined the TechMae app yet? If not, this is your invitation! Our platform was created by women, for women, and is designed to be a space where you can connect, share, and feel empowered—even during the toughest of times.

Download TechMae today and become part of our growing community!

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