The current job search process is broken and expensive coaching and resume services is not the answer. Job Search Boot Camp has support systems built into the program, providing you with a community who is going through the same process you are, and an accountability buddy who knows the ins and outs of your job search every step of the way. We treat the rejections as opportunities to cross roles off of our list and narrow in on the roles and relationships that you need to pursue next. We celebrate ALL the wins as a community. No win is a small win. Every win is one step closer to landing a job offer.
No Community.
When you’re unemployed, your job is to find a job and you need a place to “go to work.” But there’s nowhere to go.
- For most of our work life, our workplace and the people we work with are our community.
- Almost universally, everyone goes to work everyday. When you don’t have a job, you suddenly have nowhere to go. It’s isolating and soul-crushing. You’re no longer among all those contributing members of society.
- During the time you need community the most, you are the most isolated.
This is unacceptable.
Job Search Boot Camp gives you a place to go everyday. You are still a contributing member of society with an important job to do. Join us to talk shop, get support, structure, and accountability for your job search. Meet once a week with your job search cohort. Check in with your accountability buddy once a day. Share and connect with your job search community via Slack throughout the week. Join live upskill sessions everyday from a diverse community of top industry talent. Attend hiring manager mixers throughout the program.
Flash lesson: career direction
No Process.
For almost all stages of career-life there is a set process to follow, except for the most difficult career stage: job search.
- Hiring has a process, but not job search. Something is wrong with this picture. We’ve done a good job as a greater business community of developing a process to hire people, but we haven’t done a good job in developing a process for people who are trying to get hired.
- Being in a “lesser than” state makes it all the more challenging. The majority of job seekers desperately need a job, or have a job and feel stuck…undervalued, undertitled, toxic workplace, etc. Not having a process to follow when you’re in a “lesser than” state makes it all the more difficult because you have to spend valuable time and thinking energy just to figure out what to do next.
- Lack of process creates a “lesser than” mentality. Throughout the hiring process there is a perception that companies have power over job seekers. This is simply not true. By the time there is an open role, there’s a hiring manager who is desperate to find the right person for the job. The advantage companies have is that they have a process. It starts with a job description that develops a pool of candidates, which creates an abundance mentality. Job seekers, even if the market is flooded with jobs, rarely have a process to follow to similarly develop an abundance mentality. They go into every application and interview from a scarcity mentality, which creates a power hierarchy that is NOT true.
This is unacceptable.
Job Search Boot Camp gives you a proven process to follow with deliverables and milestones every step of the way. 75% of people get offers in 7 weeks. The process is based on 10+ years of experience building teams in tech companies.
No Support.
- Rejection. Job searching inevitably comes with a lot of rejection, and with no support system in place to manage this rejection, it can create a vicious cycle of hopelessness and despair.
- Uncertainty. You have to make hundreds of decisions throughout your job search process, but there is no one around who knows the ins and outs of your situation like you, no one who is qualified to help you make decisions as needed to power your job search.
Celebration. After weeks of applications and cover letters and calls you finally get some traction. Maybe a recruiter reached out. Maybe you were invited to a phone interview. Maybe you got a warm introduction or a referral. Whatever it is, it took hard work, grit, and overcoming all of the self esteem and vulnerability obstacles involved in the job search. But there’s no one around who understands. There’s no way to properly celebrate what a big amazing deal this milestone is for you.
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