Tips For Every Woman To Step Into Her Power

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. 

-Alice Walker


Superwomen now is our time to start stepping up our game. Are you with me on this? Are you ready to step into your superpower?  It’s never to late to start living the life of your dreams. We have plenty of examples of this on social media platforms. But here are some tips for you to step into your superpower and start living your best life. The question that many of us ask ourselves is how can we be the most empowered woman we can be. Well I’m gonna share some tips that I’ve learned along the way that have helped me. Let me know in the comments if you agree with this or not.  The most important thing we can learn as women is we can’t control everything. As women we must learn to focus on the things we can control for example our attitudes and our passions.  These attributes contribute towards us as women living in our power.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before we go any further….

How committed are you?

What is your attitude towards change?

What is your hustle?

Do you know that the more you live an empowered life, the more it rubs off on others around you? It’s like a ripple effect. It’s all a matter of how committed you are to make a positive change in your life.  It’s important to put yourself around others who are living the type of life you want to live. Network with those types of people if you don’t currently have them in your circle. In every city and every state you can find meet up groups for women and different events and conventions focused on women related topics.

Build a tribe of women around you who believe the same thing that you believe or have the same goals as you do for example like the TechMae mobile app which is a community for like minded women to connect in a digital space.  We have created this community exclusively for women to have a safe space online to share thoughts and ideas with like minded women in focused communities.

Here are some tips you can start doing today to Empower Your Life.



  • Self LOVE-this means starting each day with positive thoughts, filling your mind and your body with food and drink that nourishes you.  Get rid of toxic relationships and people that do you harm. Be grateful each day. (be realistic with yourself and your goals, know that nothing great happens overnight)


  • If you find yourself stressed learn techniques to relieve stress, tension, and overwhelm (anxiety is something that many of us deal with, learn how to control yours by using natural techniques. Don’t let it overpower your life)


  • Live in your truth and use that to guide you in making decisions for your business, personal and spiritual growth. (Start doing things that you feel spiritually align with your purpose)


  • Don’t Pressure Yourself, if something doesn’t feel right the first time don’t second guess yourself (follow your gut intuition on things) Research things, don’t assume (No such thing as too much research or education on a topic, seek mentorship, guidance whether it be legal or whatever you are doing research in. This is the Information Age and information is at your fingertips so research.


  • Stop living in the past and step into your future. Learn from the mistakes you make in business and personal life and use it as a lesson (every mistake is a lesson to be learned, holding onto yesterday never helped anyone, if you accomplished big things ten years ago, it doesn’t matter, what matters is what you are accomplishing today. Don’t rely on yesterdays accomplishments to fulfill today’s tasks.)


  • Figure out what your passion is, what could you imagine yourself doing in a daily basis that you wouldn’t have to get paid for? Find a problem in that area/industry and figure out a way to solve it. Start working towards your entrepreneur dreams and step out of your traditional ‘job’ (start doing the things that will help you reach your goals, research, mentorship, education)  Have gratitude for the small wins (if you can learn to celebrate the small wins, you will appreciate the bigger wins when you get them)


If you can start living in your truth and follow these steps you can work towards living your best live and a life filled with empowerment.



TechMae wants to support women in their daily lives, thats why we created our own eco-system. A place of support for every woman to come and share insight on different topics. If you haven’t  joined our exclusive new network join today. It’s a one time download fee of $4.99 to be apart of our exclusive new community.



We have a lot of great things in store for women everywhere and we welcome women to join our new network. We want women to learn that they all have the ability to accomplish anything they want in this life. Join us on our new network, created by women.


Start by doing these things today and let us know in the comments how it’s working out for ya.

Meet us on the app to discuss tips that work for you.

Link for app here.



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